Victoria Fox (Boland)
Sorry to say I probably won't make the Reunion on Saturday. We are currently working on a film project and the entire production crew will be in town and in our studio for final edit changes on that same night. I have spent the past ten years or so living in Park Hills, Ky but we have recently moved back to Cincinnati. Have been married forever to a musician, Rick Fox and we have one son, Keith. We own a recording studio downtown. We work on film projects as well as do licensing for video game companies in NY and CA. Doesn't look like we will be retiring anytime soon. We're still having fun! Very impressed with the website and the organization that was put into getting this reunion together. Hope everyone has a great time. I will miss seeing all of you. And, if our sessions wrap up I am still considering trying to drop in for a drink! I think it would be worth the price of admission even for an hour or so...Oh, and I have recently started attending Colerain football games again to cheer on my nephew Jackson Sorn! Jackson and the Cardinals are having quite a year!
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